So your child is GATE, now what?
A resource guide for families of the Gifted and Talented learner
The Federal definition of a GATE student:
Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities
What to expect from your child:
Common Characteristics of a gifted person
Emotional Intensity in gifted children
GATE resources at MEA:
- Our school ensures that your child is able to learn at his/her ability, even if it is above grade level. Textbook Lists are on our library’s website.
- Cover sheets for advanced classes have more rigorous work for the Gifted student.
- The Makerspace provides opportunities for exploration and discovery including sewing, a 3D printer, legos, and much more.
We provide numerous Extracurricular activities in many different subjects to enhance your child’s learning.
Field trips and special outings are provided throughout the year as listed in the Monday Messages
Our school library provides access to library books and monthly library challenges as well as online resources from our catalog's homepage.
GATE resources at SDUSD:
GATE resources on the web :
Resources for GATE children with disabilities:
The Gifted Writer
The Artistically Gifted
Beyond the classroom, free resources to enhance your child’s learning:
Useful Technology Tools
1- Database portals
2- Research Tools
3- Curation tools
4- Make professional animated videos
5- Make beautiful visuals and posters
6- Take notes
7- Timeline creation
8- Communicate with parents
9- Make presentations
10- Reference tools
Compiled by Vivian Sink