2024 - 2025 Academic School Year
Wednesday 12:30-2:30 Room 6
Thursday 9:30 - 11:30 in the Auditorium
Friday 9-11:30 in the Auditorium
If you're interested in becoming a tutor please see Ms. Starr in Student Services. If you have already done the training, please come see us during the scheduled PALs times.
Any student who would like academic support, please come join us during the scheduled PALs times, no sign up necessary!
Elementary students/families, please print and fill out this CHECK-IN form to give to our tutors for guidance to help your student.
SUPERVISORY STAFF: Mrs. Vanessa Starr & Ms. Sydney Gagliardo
During this quiet study time, students will be paired with tutors that best match their needs. We have a stellar group of trained tutors who are eager to work with their younger peers.
"I think PALS is great for taking the time to help kids who may not have other tutors at home," says Edward, one of our tutors.
Abdullah, another one of our students , also had great things to say about PALS. "PALS is great! It's great to help kids and the community," he says.
"I think PALS is fun, helpful, and is a great way to help others learn," explains Lucy, as she helps a younger student with her homework.
However, our tutors are not the only ones who enjoy the PALS Lab experience. "It's nice, and it really helps me with my work," says Pamela, while doing homework.